group fitness
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Propel BoxFit 30minute group classes. Free to members. Suitable for all levels, express in and out moderate intensity, Mon/Weds/Fri mornings 630am-7am.
High intensity, Fixed interval, Low impact cardio conditioning focused class.
Suitable for all fitness levels, Free to members.

Small Group Strength
Barbell compounds as primary measures, along with special strength exercises to complement. A special offering that runs in 12week blocks with the absolute goal in mind of improving movement mechanics and absolute strength. Run by our head coach Hami Tues/Fri 730-830am, Sunday sprints 11am. $40/week/pp
Womens Strength
A Barbell Primary program. Tailored for the female physique with absolute strength as the primary goal.

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I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. Tell your visitors a bit about your services.